ANA LAB Quality Seal Labels

“Let’s expand the added value of your product together…”


More and more producers are placing emphasis on advertising messages and statements in an attempt to draw consumers’ attention to their products. Making statements such as “100% natural honey” or “100% natural fruit juice” or “wine made from grapes” is not in accordance with the declaring regulations. In accordance with product labeling regulations, the provision of food information has to be done in a way that does not deceive the final consumer, in particular with regard to:

  • ⦾ The characteristic features of the food and in particular its nature, identity, properties, composition, quantity, durability, country of origin or country and place of origin and method of production;
  • ⦾ Attributing to food properties and characteristics that it does not possess;
  • ⦾ Indications of special properties of food and if similar food has the same properties, especially by emphasizing the presence or absence of certain ingredients and / or nutrients;
  • ⦾ Indicating by appearance, description or pictorial representation the presence of a certain food or ingredient, when in reality an ingredient that is otherwise naturally present or used in that food is replaced by another ingredient or other ingredient.
  • ⦾ Food information should be accurate, clear and easily understood by the consumer.
  • ⦾ The provision of information on food is done in a way that food is not attributed to the properties of prevention and treatment of human diseases and / or which does not refer to such properties, unless otherwise prescribed by this rulebook and special regulations.

On the other hand, the reality is something completely different, because of course there are various products on the market whose quality does not correspond to a certain product category, but they regularly contain information that instructs the end consumer that they are actually authentic products from a certain category. Given that such economic frauds are very difficult to detect, because counterfeit products usually often pass basic quality controls on the basis of which authorized and accredited laboratories issue laboratory reports on product compliance with regulations, and in cases of counterfeit products, then loyal producers must find a way that they can still draw the attention of end consumers to their products and get their attention, and still be in accordance with the regulations on the declaration of food products.

So if you thinking how to add value to your product and still to be in accordance with regulations, you should maybe consider an independent and impartial verification by an accredited organization that CAN VERIFY authenticity and can give that added value to your product in a manner that complies with regulations.

We at ANA LAB have the expertise and knowledge to help our customers recognize their products as higher quality products and to meet the expectations of their consumers while still complying with the regulations established by the state.

By placing the ANA LAB labels marked “PRODUCT CONTENT TESTED & PROVED”, gives exactly this opportunity for the end consumer to gain confidence in the desired product and thus establish a connection with the manufacturer and recommend such a product further.

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